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Head of School's Message 

We are excited to announce that our playground expansion project is now complete! Thank you for bearing with us whilst we had work vans and a skip taking up some of the turning circle space. The children can now enjoy:

A new asphalt area for active play
Climbing bars to develop strength and coordination
A den-making space to spark creativity
A mound to climb on for physical development
Treehouse steps for adventure and exploration

These additions provide fantastic opportunities for movement, social interaction, and imaginative play. It means we can make even more use of our extensive outdoor area. We have enjoyed seeing the children making the most of their new outdoor space this week.


Dates coming up: 

The rescheduled visit to the library for the Woodpeckers and Robins will take place on Monday 17th March.  Throughout next week the other children who borrowed books on their previous visit will be returning them.  We will then be sending home all library cards.

Friday 21st and 28th March - Electric Umbrella 1.40pm to 2.30pm, please email the office if your child doesn't normally attend on a Friday afternoon but you would like to attend with your child.

Thursday 20th March - Lockers Park Musicians to visit Heath Lane for a Music Recital.


From next week Staff will be writing their mid-term reports for each child and therefore there will not be any catch-up calls from week commencing Monday 17th March for a couple of weeks.

Those parents that have received a Health Care Plan to update can these please be returned by Wednesday 19th March.

Nursery closes on Thursday 3rd April for the Easter Holidays and will reopen on Tuesday 22nd April.

Book & Rhyme of the week

Our next Talk for Writing Book is "The Ugly Duckling" by Mara Alperin and Sue Eastland. Next week the story will move into the imitation phase of the EYFS Talk For Writing programme, where children will focus on the story structure identifying the beginning, middle and end. This will involve activities such as retelling the story with actions, creating story maps and performing the text aloud. This phase is to provide a solid foundation through understanding and practising the language patterns and structure of the text.

Our key vocabulary of the text is "Creature", "Tease", "Embarass", "Elegant", "Graceful" and "Dazzling". Please see below link to story; 

THE UGLY DUCKLING 🐥 Mara Alperin | Read aloud #storyoftheweek #traditionaltales

Our Rhyme of the Week for next week is: "Miss Polly had a Dolly".


In these sessions the children are also learning the Makaton signs to the lyrics.


Please find below link to the Rhyme of the Week:

Miss Polly had a dolly 👩🤒🚑 - with Makaton signing! 😄

Ugly Duckling.jpg
Image by Aniket Bhattacharya

Language of the week

We are lucky to have a rich and diverse community with lots of different languages. Our language of the week is Turkish, which a one of our pupils Eliz speaks. Please find below links of how to say "Hello" and "Goodbye" in Turkish. Please practise with your child at home.

Learn Turkish & How To Say "Hello" in Turkish | Learn Turkish Language.

How To Say "Goodbye" in Turkish | Learn Turkish Fast With Easy Turkish Lessons

Learning At Home 

This term at nursery we have been learning about growth and change.


A wonderful way to explore this at home is by going on a nature walk with your child to look for signs of spring.

As you walk encourage your child to notice and talk about new flowers, buds on trees or birds singing.

Feel free to take a photo of something special your child spots and share it with us!

Success Story of the Week

This week the children celebrated "Pi Day," the International Day of Mathematics.  The theme for 2025 was  Art and Creativity. They enjoyed printing with shapes and combining art with maths.  This supports their cognitive and creative development.


They had fun identifying and talking about different shapes and numbers, bringing learning into their familiar world by discussing the shapes and numbers found on their front doors at home.

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