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Head of School's Message 

As we continue to nurture our children’s growth and development, I’d like to take a moment to encourage a mindful approach to screen time at home. We are seeing an increasing number of children mimicking what they have seen online, sometimes parroting back inappropriate content, including reference to aggressive behaviour.

While tablets and digital devices can be valuable learning tools, excessive use may impact children’s sleep, social skills, and overall well-being.

To support a balanced routine, we recommend:

  • Setting clear limits on daily tablet use.

  • Encouraging active play, reading, and family time instead.

  • Creating screen-free zones, especially during meals and before bedtime.


For further advice, please access the following links:


By working together, we can help children develop healthy habits that support their learning and development. 

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Dates coming up: 

Friday 28th March - Electric Umbrella 1.40pm to 2.30pm, please email the office if your child doesn't normally attend on a Friday afternoon but you would like to attend with your child.  Any parent/carers whose children are already attending do not need to attend themselves.

Friday 28th March - MADGE Day (Mothers, Aunties, Daughters, Grandmothers and Every other important woman)  - The children will be baking goodies for a special female relative and they will be bringing these home.

Week commencing Monday 31st March - Sustainability Week


From next week Staff are writing their end of term assessments for each child and therefore there will not be any catch-up calls until the end of the Spring Term.

All library books have either been returned to the library or sent home with your child.  If your child is in the Robin or Woodpecker Group they have only just been to the library to take out their book.  Therefore, their books have been sent home and it is now your responsibility to ensure that the book is returned on time to the library. You may receive a reminder from the library of the return date Monday 7th April.

Those parents/carers that have received a Health Care Plan to update can these please be signed and returned as soon as possible.

Nursery closes on Thursday 3rd April for the Easter Holidays and will reopen on Tuesday 22nd April.

Book & Rhyme of the week

Our next Talk for Writing Book is "The Ugly Duckling" by Mara Alperin and Sue Eastland.


Next week the story will move into the innovation phase of the EYFS Talk For Writing programme, where the children will make changes to the original story such as characters, settings, or events while maintaining the structure and style of the original text. This will involve activities such as creating story maps and expressing their unique ideas through language, both written and spoken. This phase is essential in fostering a love for storytelling and a deeper understanding of narrative structures.

Our key vocabulary of the text is "Creature", "Tease", "Embarass", "Elegant", "Graceful" and "Dazzling". Please see below link to story; 

THE UGLY DUCKLING 🐥 Mara Alperin | Read aloud #storyoftheweek #traditionaltales

Our Rhyme of the Week for next week is: "10 Fat Sausages".


In these sessions the children are also learning the Makaton signs to the lyrics.


Please find below link to the Rhyme of the Week:

10 fat sausages - British Sign Language (BSL) and singing

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Image by Anna Louise

Language of the week

We are lucky to have a rich and diverse community with lots of different languages. Our language of the week is Hindi, which is spoken by one of our pupils, Kiyaan and their family. Please find below links of how to say "Hello" and "Goodbye" in Hindi. Please practise with your child at home.

How To Say Hello In Hindi

How To Say Goodbye In Hindi

Learning At Home 

At Nursery the children enjoyed making patterns using different objects.


Why not try creating you own patterns at home using body movements?


For example, you can clap you hands and stomp your feet in a repeating pattern like ''clap,stomp,clap,stomp''. 

Success Story of the Week

This week we were visited by pupils from Lockers Park School who performed a musical recital for us all.

They brought a keyboard with them and each took turns to play different types of music. 

The children listened very well to the music and were asked questions such as "how did the music make you feel?" and "what do you think this piece of music was about?".​  There were some interesting answers!

Image by Marius Masalar
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